Why I Ride: Wednesday September 7

ride, motorcycle, biking
Photo Credit UnSplash Drew Coffman

?You do not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle!?


Do you Find A Motorcycle Ride Theraputic?

When you sit on that motorcycle to prepare for a ride, do you leave your daily worries behind? Does the open road provide you with a reprieve from everyday stressors? Do you enjoy the feeling of becoming one with your motorcycle as you concentrate on the twists and turns of your journey? You can forget about what happened at work, and any nagging stressors, as they are tossed away with the wind.?You can leave your problems in the dust as you climb hills and embrace the scenery you?ve become part of as you navigate your ride. Why hold onto your troubles when you can hold onto the hand grips of your bike? (Don?t forget to treat yourself for your ride with a pair of?biker cross gloves)?gloves-biker-cross-gloves-1_grande   If This Sounds like The Reason You Ride, You?re Not Alone There are many reasons people ride a motorcycle. Many call it their own personal form of therapy, and others have even cited additional mental and physical health benefits to riding. ? Listing Benefits Such As:
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved Memory
  • Increased Muscle Strength
  • Lower Blood Pressure
With all the benefits of riding, do you really need a reason? We’d love to know what drives you to make sure you?re planning the time to schedule in your next awesome road trip, ?or reducing the stress of your daily communte by opening up your parking options at work by cruising in on your bike.

?Driving a motorcycle is like flying. All your senses are alive. Being House is like flying, too. He’s free of the gravity of what people think.?

? Hugh Laurie

Next time you jump on your motorcycle to relax and lose track of time, why not do it with this amazing badass?Black Punk Skull Watch?from GothRider.? watch-black-punk-skull-watch-mkii-2016-edition-1_grande

Share your thoughts on Why You Ride in the comments below, on our Facebook page, or on our Twitter, and maybe you?ll be featured in one of our?Why I Ride Wednesday posts!