American Chopper: Where Are They Now?

It?s been six years since the final episode of American Chopper aired. Here at GothRider, we?ve been wondering: what happened to the cast? We did a little digging to let you know where everyone?s favorite motorcycle gurus are today.
**Paul Teutul, Sr. **
Paul Sr. is still running Orange County Choppers. The shop has become a dream destination for custom bike work. But just because the show is over doesn?t mean Paul Sr. is off TV. Over the years, he has made countless appearances on talk shows and reality shows.
You can also still find Paul Sr. at plenty of charity events, such as Make-A-Wish Foundation and Wounded Warriors. He can be booked through his website for appearances at various events.
Paul Sr.?s Facebook page reads a lot like your granddad?s page. He posts plenty of pictures of his beloved dogs. His social media suggests he spends a lot more time relaxing out of town or at home; he deserves it!
**Paul Teutul, Jr. **
After Paul Jr. left Orange County Choppers, he opened his own custom motorcycle shop in Montgomery, New York. Paul Jr. Designs stays busy designing custom bikes for businesses and charities.
Over the last year, Paulie has adopted the role of proud dad. His son Hudson was born just over a year ago. The family travels together to events where Paulie makes appearances. You can keep up with all the proud dad posts on Paulie?s Twitter.
Despite competing head-to-head with Orange County Choppers, Paul Jr. and Paul Sr. are still in each other?s lives.
**Michael Teutul **
The comic relief of American Chopper is still, well, comical. His social media accounts are full of puns and funny videos.
Mikey left Orange County Choppers for a while, even working at Paul Jr. Designs for a stint. He can occasionally be seen around OCC again, helping out or goofing off. He?s usually working on various projects of his own.
Mikey opened an art gallery of his paintings in Montgomery, but it closed in 2014. This week he launched the first episode of a YouTube show about the homeless in New York. Bummin? Around can be seen here.
Vincent DiMartino
The childhood friend of Paul Jr. left American Chopper in 2007 to found his own custom motorcycle shop. V-Force Customs went out of business a couple years ago.
Vinnie returned to the Teutuls? show in 2010, but he went to work with Paulie at Paul Jr. Designs. He continued to run V-Force Customs while working at PJD.
Today, Vinnie runs DiMartino Motorsports, an automotive and truck repair shop in Montgomery. He is highly successful, providing repairs to major clients including the City of Montgomery. He still occasionally helps out Paul Jr. at PJD.
Cody Connelly
Young chopper prodigy Cody seems to have dropped off the face of the internet since 2014. However, he was still active in the motorcycle world after he left OCC.
Cody left Orange County Choppers to work with Vinnie at V-Force Customs. After V-Force Customs morphed into DiMartino Motorsports, Cody went back tochoppers. For a time, Cody worked at Paul Jr. Designs.
Cody sued Paul Sr. and OCC for breach of contract and using his likeness after he left the show. He also never received the Old School bike he designed, despite it being gifted to him by Paul Sr. on camera. The case was settled in 2011.
Who do you miss the most from American Chopper? Let us know in the comments.