A Few Reasons Biker Boyfriends Are Awesome

biker boyfriends
Photo credit Pixabay CC
When you tell someone your boyfriend is a biker a certain image may enter their mind. Maybe they?re envisioning a leather-clad, tattooed tough guy and they might be partially right. We know there?s a lot more once you look a little closer, and for the most part?they?re awesome. That hardcore exterior might conceal an accountant, a teacher, a dad or any number of professions, but underneath that beats the heart of a biker. There are countless reasons that bikers make the best boyfriends/husbands, but we?re going to just share a few. Don?t hesitate to let us know what we?ve missed, because there are many more reasons we love being a biker?s gal. Bike Hair?Don?t Care
helmet hair
Photo credit Creative Commons Pixabay Mark_Mook_Fotografie
  • We?ve talked about the challenges of dealing with the dreaded ?helmet hair? when you get off the bike. Most times we can tame the savage beast our tresses have become, but if not then we?ve got a valid excuse. And if we?re honest, sometimes we just don?t care. Because enjoying our ride with our guy makes it all worthwhile. Plus, most dudes dig that bed-head tousled look obtained from a ride.

Tattoos?Need I Say More?

biker boyfriend tattoo
Photo credit Creative Commons Pixabay magalyphoto
  • Not much more need to be said about how sexy a tattoo looks on a biker dude, because we?ve highlighted them time and time?again.
        Always an Excuse to Cuddle
  • When we?re on the back of the bike behind our sexy, biker boy we have a valid excuse to wrap our arms around them and even rest our head against his smooth leather jacket.

Your Entrance?and Exit

biker boyfriends
courtesy Pixabay creative commons
  • There isn?t a much better entrance than roaring in on the back of a bike. Then when it?s time to depart, a twist or two of the throttle is the equivalent of the parade wave as all eyes are on you as you tear down the road.

What Lies Beneath

  • He might look like a tough guy, but we all know that most bikers are the most generous, caring dudes you could meet. They care about their biker brothers, their community, and they take good care of their lady.

Because Biker Gals Rock Their Style

Gothrider bagBiker gals only need our favorite jeans and a t-shirt look good, but why not add a touch of glam with this gorgeous, badass purse from Gothrider? You?ll be sure to turn heads rocking this golden, spike knuckle bag.

Tell Us What You Love About Your Biker in the Comments.